Santana Gedeon


Santana has been with the MMS for almost a year.  Formally, she is the Executive Assistant to the Ango’tmeq Nm’tginen (AN) Director.  In that capacity, she provides administrative and organizational support to the AN team.  But in reality, she is part ninja … Santana’s ability to be flexible, think on her feet, and jump in where needed allows her to get the job done seamlessly!

Santana holds a Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies from Cape Breton University and has taken human resources management training through the University of New Brunswick.  She is very proud to be Mi’gmaq and she feels honored to be a part of the important work being done for the next seven generations of Gespe’gewa’gi.

Santana is a self-described nature enthusiast and is VERY funny.  She loves to visit new places, meet new people, and enjoy life to the fullest.  She is from Listuguj and she lives there with her beautiful girls, Larissa and Ezra.